The Soil Fertility Manual is the most popular professional resource on plant nutrition and soil management for agricultural retailers, crop advisers, extension staff, and agronomy professors. This resource covers the interactions of the essential crop nutrient with the soil environment.
SFM focuses on delivering its users a working knowledge of essential soil-plant relationships, principles of nutrient management and the use of lime, while focusing on the unique balance of agriculture and the environment.
Answering common questions with clarity and authority, no other manual comes close to educating users on fundamentals of crop production – which is why SFM is also listed as a resource for self-study for the Certified Crop Advisor (CCA) exam, as well as a primary and supplementary text for university and other soil fertility courses and workshops. (ISBN: 978-1-7343860-0-4)
2019 Edition - DOWNLOADABLE PDF VERSION (Immediate delivery)
(For individual sales only. Bulk sales available for print version only.)