(This report replaces Soil Test Levels in North America: 2015 Summary Update).
This summary is the 12th in a series begun by the Potash & Phosphate Institute and the International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI), with the first summary dating back to the late 1960s (Nelson, 1980) and the latest prior to this one in 2015. The summary offers a snapshot of soil test levels in 2020 and also provides a comparison to the previous four summaries that were completed in 2001, 2005, 2010, and 2015 (Potash & Phosphate Institute, 2001; 2005; IPNI, 2010; 2015).
Important to the appropriate use of this report is recognition that nutrient management should occur on a site-specific basis where management objectives and the needs of individual fields and areas within fields are recognized. Therefore, this soil test summary, conducted at the state or province level, cannot reflect the specific needs of individual farms. Its value lies in calling attention to broad nutrient needs and challenges, and in motivating educational and action programs that are in turn relevant to growers and their advisers.
A website has been developed for accessing soil test summary data from 2001 to 2020:
http://soiltest.tfi.org. From this website, users can access data for any combination of states and provinces, in chart, map, and tabular formats
TFI members qualify for a complimentary copy of the Summary Update. Please email store@tfi.org for details.